Trapped Within the Heart

My first thought for this project was to shoot frame by frame of a window with the Xenon pictures changing to show a person trying to break free from a window.  It then  evolved to people breaking free from a heart to show that all of those that have affected this person, either it be good or bad, leave a part of them behind. The bad experiences are trying to break free because this person is trying to turn the bad experiences into something positive and they are trying to resist. While the few good experiences are helping build the heart up and fulfill it. The piece is based off of Expressionism, to illicit emotion from an object that usually has a different meaning. The heart symbolizes love and happiness while this piece is dark to show anguish and trepidation.
I had trouble at first trying to have my hand show up on the copy because it would turn up to dark and so I placed a piece of paper behind it so the light could reflect off of it. I played around with the blurred images and how to move in time so the light wouldn't catch my hand in the same position. I had fun with this project because it requires you to think abstractly in order to see the bigger picture of what you are trying to accomplish.
I wanted to cut the shape of the paper to add the darkness of the shadows to create affect and I wanted to let the figures show for themselves, as in the heart shape, and what the viewer sees for themselves.


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