I’ve actually seen ASCII art for a couple years now in a couple of Facebook post or tweets without really knowing there was a name for it. I found it fascinating that the use of keyboard characters could create vast images such as a Christmas tree or various of animated emotions. The ability to see images out of seemingly irrelevant items opens up an entire reality that is endless. When I first started seeing these works of art, your mind doesn’t recognize them as images of something other than what you are used to seeing. So instead of a whale, surfing the ocean, you are still seeing dashes and parenthesis swirling the page. Abstract art helps open up the mind to seeing things in a different way.
ASCII art has started to become less prominent with the growing popularity of emojis as they were introduced to the modern world as smartphones began to take over. Most commonly you will see more iPhone users using emojis or Androids however as you go down into less popular phone brands, emojis are not that popular if they were not created and you will see ASCII art being used. This would be more seen in older generation who is not up with the times because they are not as technology knowledgable of the growing updates.
You can now find ASCII artist more likely on Tumblr or a couple on Twitter adding a little funny image under a comment. It is eye drawing and whenever I see one now, I study it to see the icons I look at almost everyday, turned into an image that I didn't realize they could make. A series of parentheses and dashes can create a heart or commas and apostrophes can create a cactus. The possibilities are endless because the objects do not create a traditional format.
ASCII art has started to become less prominent with the growing popularity of emojis as they were introduced to the modern world as smartphones began to take over. Most commonly you will see more iPhone users using emojis or Androids however as you go down into less popular phone brands, emojis are not that popular if they were not created and you will see ASCII art being used. This would be more seen in older generation who is not up with the times because they are not as technology knowledgable of the growing updates.
You can now find ASCII artist more likely on Tumblr or a couple on Twitter adding a little funny image under a comment. It is eye drawing and whenever I see one now, I study it to see the icons I look at almost everyday, turned into an image that I didn't realize they could make. A series of parentheses and dashes can create a heart or commas and apostrophes can create a cactus. The possibilities are endless because the objects do not create a traditional format.
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